The Human Genome Project is one of the best examples of Bioinformatics. This rapidly developing branch of biology is highly interdisciplinary, using concepts and techniques from informatics, statistics, mathematics, retrieval and analysis of data related to biological systems. The department strives to train human resource to take up the challenges of the post-genomics era.

About the Department

The Human Genome Project is one of the best examples of Bioinformatics. This rapidly developing branch of biology is highly interdisciplinary, using concepts and techniques from informatics, statistics, mathematics, retrieval and analysis of data related to biological systems. The department strives to train human resource to take up the challenges of the post-genomics era.

Genetic Engineering

The world has come to realize the miracles of Genetic Engg., in agriculture - higher yield and better varieties of crops, in medicine - diagnostics and cures that were only a dream a few years back. It’s in the news. It’s everywhere. It is the backbone of biotechnology. The opportunities for a genetic engineer in clinical and applied genetics today and in the future are boundless. the department aims to produce genetic engineers who excel in the field of genomics and gene manipulation. Towards this end, the department has brought together state of the art laboratories and a highly experienced and dedicated team of faculty.


To create a strong teaching base in the department of Genetic engineering results from the direct manipulation of DNA using various technical methods to scale new heights in mainstream media; and to produce a useful or desirable characteristic in an organism and on a molecular level and may include additions, deletions, or targeted changes to the genome for the welfare of the general public.


  • To find cheap diagnostic setups for common diseases by molecular modeling methods.
  • To develop point of care in pharmaceutical companies using drug designing tools.
  • To contribute to the society using the unique competencies provided by the educational experiences of the Bioinformatics Engineers.

Under Graduate

The B. Tech. in Bioinformatics is a broad and flexible degree program. The curriculum provides knowledge in basics on the three important integral sub disciplines - biology, computer science and information technology and skills in applying vast amount of biological information in genomics, proteomics, drug designing, molecular medicine, forensic analysis, veterinary science and crop improvement. The course is designed to produce bioinformatics engineers to reach the frontier, which would help as a platform in seeking employment or in pursuing higher studies.

The B. Tech. program in Genetic Engineering comprises foundation courses in Biology and Engineering. Unique courses like Biology of Vectors, Recombinant DNA Technology, Genome Mapping, Gene Therapy, Microarray Technology and Stem Cell Biology are offered by experienced faculty.

Post Graduate

The M. Tech. in Bioinformatics is a broad and flexible degree program. The curriculum provides knowledge in basics on the three important integral sub disciplines - biology, computer science and information technology and skills in applying vast amount of biological information in genomics, proteomics, drug designing, molecular medicine, forensic analysis, crop improvement and veterinary science. The course is designed to produce bioinformatics engineers to reach the frontier in bioinformatics, which would help as a platform in seeking employment or in pursuing higher studies.

Bharath University is the only place in India where post graduate training in latest Genetic Engineering Technologies is provided at global standards. Specialization is offered in human genetics, medical genetics and plant genetic engineering.

Research Focus

Research activities help the faculty to intellectually stimulate the young minds. Research in the department is focused on drug designing and development, protein purification and proteomics. Faculty are involved in student projects, internally funded pilot projects, externally funded projects and multi-institutional collaborative projects with research institutions in India and abroad.

Name Designation
Dr.P.B.Ramesh Babu, Professor & Head Chairman
Faculty Members
Dr.P.Krishnamoorthy, Professor Member
Dr. R. Deepa Member
Mr. R. Krishna Kumar Member
Ms. G.Subashini Member
External Members
Suresh Kumar Rayala,
Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology, IIT, Chennai
Academic Expert
Dr. K. Rajeshwari
Director, Bioklone Biotech Pvt Ltd.
Industrial Expert

Our bioinformatics lab is well equipped with 20 computers and having many online and offline softwares such as Chemsketch, Arguslab and docking tools such as Autodock and Patchdock.

Molecular modelling lab has been helpful to students to identify the properties of chemical compounds are directly related to the ways in which atoms are bonded together into molecules. Students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge by constructing simple ball-and stick models for some common molecules. The models should help them understanding of electron arrangements in molecules and the resulting shapes of the molecules. They can investigate a number of small molecules containing carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen, as well as a few molecules containing fluorine, chlorine, or sulfur.

Curriculum and Syllabus
Undergraduate Programmes (4 Years)
B.Tech. - Genetic Engineering
Postgraduate Programmes (2 Years)
M. Tech - Computational Biology
Awards and Achievements of Faculty Members
  • Dr.T.Jayalakshmi - Awarded as Best teaching staff in the year 2012 at Bharath University, Chennai
  • Dr.P.Rajasulochana - Awarded as Best teaching staff in the year 2014 at Bharath University, Chennai
Name of the Faculty Activity Position Awarded by
Shri Vishalini R Classical dance(solo) II Women’s day celebration
Ram Kumar N Poster Presentation I National conference on Bio Engineering
Nismabi A .N Drawing II Women’s day celebration
Revathy.G Group dance II Women’s day celebration
Durgalaxshmi.C Debate II Women’s day celebration
S.Pavithra Group dance II Women’s day celebration
Research Activities
  • Scopus Indexed Publications - 120
  • Peer Reviewed Publications - 42
  • Conference Publications - 30
  • No. of citations above ten - 20
  • No. of MoU’s Signed - 01
S.No Topic Funding agency Guide Duration Status
1 Identification and evaluation of Gene expression profiles in inflammatory lung diseases ClonegenPvt ltd Dr. P. Rajasulochana 1 year Major
2 In silico analysis of inflammatory Genes associated with Asthma. ImmunogenPvt ltd Dr. P. B. Ramesh Babu 2 year Minor
3 Genomics of Nonmicrobial mediated inflammatory Diseases TechbioPvt ltd Dr. P. B. Ramesh Babu 1 yaer Major
4 Identification of drug target sites on food pathogens using bioinformatics tools HDR Pvt ltd Dr. P. Rajasulochana 2 year Major
5 Evolutionary studies on Mora eel with in-silico drug designing BiochemPvt ltd Dr. T. Jayalakshmi 1 Year Minor

S.No Topic Funding agency Amount Principle Investigator Duration
1 Research Studies on Marine Algae (Kappaphycus Red Algae in view of Pharmacological applications BIHER 3.5 lacs Dr.P.Rajasulochana 3 years
2 Identification and Characterization and structural elucidation of Keratinases producing fungi and their applications in pharmaceutical industries BIHER 1 lacs Dr.P.B.Ramesh Babu 2 years
3 Evaluation of novel chemopreventive agents Sulforamate, Oxomate and Brassinin as anticancer and anti-inflammatory agents BIHER 6 lacs Dr.P.Rajasulochana 3 years
4 Evaluation of protein components of inflammation and immunity in airway epithelial cells BIHER 1.5 lacs Dr.P.B.Ramesh Babu 2 years
5 Evaluation of Research studies on marine Red Algae (Kappaphycus Alvarezii) as Biofertiliser for agricultural applications BIHER 3 lacs Dr.P.B.Ramesh Babu 2 years
International Conference
DateEvents Details
22nd march 2019 International conferences on Synthetic Biology
29th november 2018 International Conferences on Cloud Genomics
22nd-23rd August 2013 International conference on recent trends in agricultural with bioinformatics tools
6th-7th November 2012 International conference on Impact of Bio- climatic change
28th-29th March 2011 International conference on emerging trends in bio engineering
16th-17th March 2010 International conference on inth November ation in life sciences
26th-27th February 2009 International conference on emerging trends in bioinformatics tools
National Conference
DateEvents Details
08th-07th march 2019 Recent trends in Biomolecular Engineering and their applications
20th october 2018 Advances in molecular diagnostics of cancer markers
07th September 2018 National conferences on biological molecules and its application
06th-07th September 2013 National conference on Impact of pesticides in agricultural
02nd-3rd March 2013 National conference on emerging trends in Genome and bio engineering
12th-13th March 2012 NCRM (National Conference on Research Methodology)
16th-17th February 2012 NCTDI(National conference on emerging trends in dairy industries)
8th-9th December 2011 NCTBIB(National conference on recent trends in bio informatics tools in bio sector)
12th-13th September 2011 NCTFI(National conference on recent trends in Food industry)
6th-7th November 2010 NCERAB(National conferences on Recent Tools in Bioinformatics )
8th-9th March 2010 BIOSILICA(State Level Student’s Technical Symposium)
6th-7th March 6&7, 2009 NCIBTM(National conference on impact of bioinformatics tools in molecular biology)
4th-5th February 2009 NCTAB(National Conference on Treands and Applications in Bioinformatics)
Faculty Development programme
DateEvents Details
17th may 2019 Advances in Cancer screening methods in South India
19th october 2018 Referencing and biolography in research publications
Guest Lecture
DateEvents Details
30/05/2019 Drug designing using Insilico models
05/04/2019 Advances in Tumor Immunotherapy
08/03/2019 Industrial related microbes and its application
21/02/2019 Algal application and its industrial applications.
04/02/2019 Human genetics
25/01/2019 Electron microscopy
31/10/2018 Applications of bio molecules
17/10/2018 Tuberculosis and its diagnostics
28th september 2018 DNA markers
19th september 2018 Biopharmaceutical Drugs
07th september 2018 Techniques to detect air ,food borne contamination and its application in industry
10th august 2018 Waste water analysis using bioremediation
DateEvents Details
08th may 2019 Development of lowcost devices to detect lifestyle disorders in humans
19th april 2019 Nano Technology and cancer detection
21th september 2018 Tumor marker detection in small volume clinical samples using microfluidics
23th august 2018 Microlevel sample handling techniques in Gene Cloning
16th-17th April 2015 Hands-on Training & Workshop on Gene Cloning Techniques
08th November 2013 National workshop on nanomedicine and uses
11th October 2013 National workshop on Artificial intelligance
02nd September 2013 National workshop on molecular modeling
03rd August 2013 National workshop on ansis software
10th June 2013 National workshop on spectroscopy
10th April 2013 National workshop on applications in genomics
28th March 2013 National workshop on Waste management
03rd March 2013 National workshop on Microbes
15th February 2013 National workshop on Collageneffect in ageing persons
31st January 2013 National workshop on Bioinstrumentation tools
07th January 2013 National workshop on software application in bioinformatics
16th November 2012 National workshop on software skills
15th October 2012 National workshop on cluster blast
08th September 2012 National workshop on writing journal papers
09th August 2012 National workshop on Project proposals
04th July 2012 National workshop on inth November ativetechniques in bioinformatics
13th June 2012 National workshop on Softskills
11th April 2012 National workshop on research methedology-3
30th March 2012 National workshop on Bioinstrumentation
04th March 2012 National workshop on isolation procedures ofc antibacterial compounds
11th February 2012 National workshop on Bioactive compounds
29th January 2012 National workshop on medicinal plants
03rd January 2012 National workshop on cancer chemistry
12th November 2011 National workshop on civil applications in Biofield
08th October 2011 National workshop on PCR analysis
06th September 2011 National workshop on Environmental analysis
07th August 2011 National workshop on Biotools
04th July 2011 National workshop on gene therapy
11th June 2011 National workshop on Leather Products
08th April 2011 National workshop on Immmonoglobules
27th March 2011 National workshop on Biodisel
03rd March 2011 National workshop on immunotechniques
15th February 2011 National workshop on biostatistics
30th January 2011 National workshop on Drug discovery
06th January 2011 National workshop on Phylogenetic analysis
08th November 2010 National workshop on cancer research
02nd October 2010 National workshop on Research methedology tool
12th September 2010 National workshop on Biotech application
03rd August 2010 National workshop on Bioplastic
04th July 2010 National workshop on Bioconcreate
13th June 2010 National workshop on Enivironmental impact on society
11th April 2010 National workshop on Collegen
29th March 2010 National workshop on Bioperls
04th March 2010 National workshop on nanomachine
15th February 2010 National workshop on Inth November ative software tools
31st January 2010 National workshop on Technocort automation
03rd January 2010 National workshop on IEEE Formating
06th November 2009 National workshop on Research Proposals
03rd October 2009 National workshop on Software Industry
02nd September 2009 National workshop on Mulimedia
08th August 2009 National workshop on Research techniques in Biofields
02nd July 2009 National workshop on SEADA
02nd July 2009 National workshop on Natural medicine
10th June 2009 National workshop on PLC
09th April 2009 National workshop on Radiotechniques in Biofield
28th March 2009 National workshop on instrumentation
02nd March 2009 National workshop on Radiology
12th February 2009 National workshop on medicinal plants
30th January 2009 National workshop on Biotools
06th January 2009 National workshop on Mathematic modelling
22nd January 2009 National workshop on computational techniques
Seminars /Symposium
DateEvents Details
14th march 2019 Tissue Engineering
07th febrauary 2019 Waste recycle and Urban development programme
22th january 2019 Recent developments in Medical informatics
11th October 2018 Development of low cost devices to detect lifestyle disorders in humans
14th september 2018 Advanced molecular techniques to detect genetic disorders
17th august 2018 Biological treatment of wastewater
15th October 2013 Emerging trends in bioengineering
17th March 2013 Biosilica 13
08th July 2012 Recent trends in bioinformatics
12th February 2012 National conference on trends and application of bioinformatics
04th September 2011 Insilico methods of genome analysis
16th January 2011 National technical symposium Bio 2K
08th August 2010 Research methodology for life science
10th February 2010 Design approaches of molecular modeling
22nd September 2009 Recent trends in drug discovery
5th July 2009 Genes in genomics protein in proteomics
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