Twenty first century is poised to become a century of space explorations and manned missions to other planets. It will be a time of space stations and robotic probes. The world will continue to need aerospace scientists, engineers, technologists and technicians to accomplish these highly exciting and challenging missions.

About the Department

Twenty first century is poised to become a century of space explorations and manned missions to other planets. It will be a time of space stations and robotic probes. The world will continue to need aerospace scientists, engineers, technologists and technicians to accomplish these highly exciting and challenging missions. Keeping this in mind the Department of Aeronautical Engineering was started in Bharath University in the year 2012.

The Aeronautical Engineering students are encouraged to actively involve in research projects and come out with innovative ideas. With constant support extended by the Management, the basic infra-structure needed for regular curricular programs as well as for fundamental and applied research is being established in the Department.

The Department provides a conducive academic environment for both students and faculty to bring out the best outcome from them.


To impart excellent research oriented graduate course in Aeronautical Engineering through state of the art education techniques, innovative methods and continuously support and strengthen the aerospace research, design, development and manufacturing related industries and institutions in India.


To provide quality exposure in theory and practice with proficiency, skill and humane values with the best of teaching and industrial expertise.

To continuously strengthen the laboratory learning of students in tune with the best industry processes and practices.

To ensure the updated knowledge and skill sets of students in emerging technologies.

To provide the students the right ambience and opportunities to develop into creative, talented and globally competent Aero professionals.

To promote research and development activities in the sphere of aeronautics for the benefit of the society.

Under Graduate

The goal of the B. Tech. program in Aeronautical Engineering is to train the students in a broad based manner with equal focus on applications in aircraft engineering, rocket and space technology. The curriculum structure ensures an excellent coverage of vital areas like Aerodynamics, Aircraft structure, Aircraft propulsion, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aircraft control system Avionics and Aircraft maintenance. Further provision exists to acquire additional engineering knowledge through electives.

Post Graduate

“There is no second chance in Aeronautical industry – 100% confidence should be achieved on the ground itself”. To make 100% confidence about the concepts of Aeronautical Engineering Bharath University is working on the ground with experienced Professors and latest lab facilities.

Research Focus

Research efforts are in progress in the areas of boundary layer theory, flow past high-rise and low-rise buildings and industrial structures. Fuel injection and atomization processes, and computational fluid dynamics in fluidized bed combustion, ramjets, and Fuel cells are some of the research topics currently under progress.

HOD’s Desk Aeronautical

Aeronautical Engineering is a fascinating and high-technology discipline more than 100 years old, still requiring much more contribution by engineers and scientists to broaden its scope and application to develop next generation aircrafts.

Aeronautical engineering is an ever developing discipline full of exciting opportunities and challenges with several private players entering the aeronautical industry, the opportunities are going to be better and better. Job opportunities for an Aeronautical Engineer in India lies with government owned air service, aircraft manufacturers and research centres.

Many of the Aeronautical Engineers get better placement opportunities in the private and public manufacturing sectors and contribute well for the development of the efficient products. The Faculty and students of our department are engaged in acquiring cutting edge technology and the excellent infrastructural facilities available in the department allowing them to delve into pushing the boundaries of the state of the art of technology.

Aeronautical department boasts of dedicated faculty who are committed in providing highest quality students in today's professional workforce. Our programs complement not only the student learning experience, but also business, government and industry. Through internship, research, and innovation we are committed to challenging, mentoring and providing an exceptional learning experience for our students.

I look forward for developing and implementing strategic initiatives which will further enhance the professional education of all our students. BIHER has a strong tradition of integrity, diversity, access, responsibility and excellence. I fully support this initiative of bringing out this souvenir, which is the resultant output of the unwavering dedication of all who had worked for it.

My best wishes and greetings to all the students who are aspiring to become Aeronautical Engineers and take India to the forefront of developed nations.

Dr. M.Sundararaj
Name/Designation Role
Dr.S.Elangovan, Professor and Dean Dept . of Aeronautical Engineering Bharath University Chariman
Dr.M.Sundararaj, Associate Professor and Head Dept . of Aeronautical Engineering Bharath University Internal member
Dr.S.Selvi Rajan Chief Scientist and Head, Wind Engineering Laboratory CSIR-SCRC,Taramani, Chennai- 113 Expert Member
Dr.S,Ganesan Scientiest-F,CFD Group Gas turbine research Esta.(GTRE) DRDO,Ministry of Defence C.v.raman nagar, Bangalore-560093 Expert member
D.P.Harikrishna Principal Scientist Wind Engineering Laboratory CSIR-SERC Taramani, Chennai 113 Expert member
Universal Testing Machine – 200KN
  • Subsonic Wind Tunnel
  • Three-Component Wind Tunnel Balance
  • Universal Testing Machine
  • Electrical /Mechanical extensometers
  • Schlieren setup
  • High speed setup
  • Free Jet Setup
  • Heleshaw apparatus
  • Free Convection Apparatus
  • Forced convection Apparatus
  • ANSYS Academic Teaching Introductory Version 15 - 32,000 nodes
Aerodynamics Laboratory
Research Lab
  • Work station(Intel-xenon, 8 core eight generation)
  • ANSYS Academic Research CFD Version 15 unlimited nodes
  • Hypersonic scaled static models
Subsonic Wind Tunnel

In the aerodynamics laboratory, a low speed wind tunnel of following specification is available.

  • Test section Length-6 ft
  • Test section Width-2 ft
  • Test section Height-2 ft
  • Motor Power-20 hp
  • Maximum Velocity-60 m/s
Structures Laboratory
  • Column Apparatus
  • Simply supported and Fixed beam Setup
  • C - Section Cantilever Beam
  • Z - Section Cantilever Beam
  • L - Section Cantilever Beam
  • D – Section Cantilever Beam
Jet Setup
Nature/Name of the awardee Awarded for Year of award Awarded by
V.Anantha Rama Krishnan I - Prize in Quiz competition 2014 Raja lakshmi Engineering college
S.Shanmugavel I - Prize in Quiz competition 2014 Raja lakshmi Engineering college
B.S.Divya Raj I - Prize in Paper plane 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
B.S.Divya Raj I - Prize in Hydro Blast 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
B.S.Divya Raj III - Prize in Picture Presentation 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
Gummadi Sreeshman II - Prize in Air Crash Investigation 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
Gummadi Sreeshman II - Prize in Paper plane 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
Gummadi Sreeshman II - Prize in Balsa War 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
M.Anand I - Prize in Hydro Blast 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
M.Anand I - Prize in Gaming Zone 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
M.Anand III - Prize in Balsa War 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
M.Anand II - Prize in Picture Perception 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
S.Dinesh I - Prize in Gaming Zone 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
S.Dinesh II - Prize in Picture Perception 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
Aalok Tapan III - Prize in Picture Perception 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
V.Anantha Rama Krishnan II - Prize in Air Crash Investigation 2014 Gojan School of Business & Technology
S.No Title Funded By
01 Effect of Variation of Nose Bluntness on the Hypersonic Air IntakeFlow Field AR & DB
02 Experimental investigation of wake behind non circular cones with flow control Bharath University
S.No Title Funded By
01 Numerical Studies On Non Circular Jets With Swirling Co-Flow Bharath University
02 Mixing Characteristics Of Non-Circular Subsonic Jet With Swirling Co-Flow Bharath University
Date Event
28th & 29th March 2019 International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Design and Analysis in Aerospace Engineering
7th & 8th September 2018 International Conference on the advancement of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation
Date Event
3rd June 2019 National Conference on recent trends in High Temperature Materials For Aerospace Applications
14th February 2019 National Conference on recent trends in Aerospace and Aviation Engineering
17th August 2018 National Conference on Recent Trends in Aerospace Technology – “(NCRTAT’18)”
Date Event
28th February 2019 Mathematical Modelling and simulation using Matlab
31st January 2019 Modern Structural Health monitoring techniques
22nd October 2018 Open Foam
9th August 2018 Fabrication of Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials
Date Event
27th May – 28th May 2019 Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion
8th & 9th November 2018 Computational Fluid Mechanics
Date Event
8th March 2019 Application of NDT in Aerospace Industry
19th February 2019 Biomimetics for Aerospace Applications
25th January 2019 Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Air Traffic Control
3rd October 2018 Vibration Measuring Instruments
11th September 2018 Unmanned Aerial vehicle
21st August 2018 Rockets and Missiles
Date Event
10th April 2019 Career Opportunities in Aerospace Industries
1st April 2019 Full Authority Digital Engine Control - FADEC
14th March 2019 Finite Element Methods
4th March 2019 Cryogenic Technology
11th February 2019 Boundary Layer Theory
4th February 2019 Airport Management
1st November 2018 Repair and Maintenance in Composite Material Structures
15th October 2018 Flow visualization Techniques for Aerospace Engineering
9th October 2018 Introduction to Launch Vehicle Technology
19th September 2018 Advanced Space Propulsion Techniques”
3rd September 2018 Modern Manufacturing Engineering
13th August 2018 Challenges for Aerospace Engineers
DateEvents Details
06th, April 2015 Aero Utsav 2015 - National Level Technical Symposium
06th, April 2015 Guest lecture on “Design and Development of ANUSAT”
07th, February 2014 Guest lecture on Trends in Design of Modern Commercial Aircraft
07th, November 2013 Guest Lecture by IAF Officer on career opportunities in IAF
01st, July 2013 A Special Lecture on Experimental Research in Fluid Dynamics


Inaugurates Cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov Aero space Research centre
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